Free Gambling Group Support

The British Columbia Responsible and Problem Gambling Program offers a diverse array of free support and drop in groups for compulsive gamblers and their loved/impacted ones. These groups allow for participants to connect, give feedback, gain awareness/tools, and work collaboratively. Groups are held weekly and offered over Zoom and in person. B.C residents only need to refer themselves to the Responsible and Problem Gambling Program in order to access. Click here to refer yourself, or call the Helpline: 1 (888) 795-6111.
- Drop in support groups are available for individuals struggling with gambling addiction as well as anyone impacted by gambling. The groups are offered by different contracted counsellors using various creative approaches.
- Dialectical Behavioural Therapy groups have continual intake throughout the year and are available for gamblers and affected others. This is a very practical skills based group that focuses on Relationship effectiveness, Learning to identify and manage emotions, and distress tolerance.
- The Discovery program is an intensive outpatient group program and is a flexible alternative to residential treatment. These groups offer a variety of focused topics all through the year. Examples include but are not limited to recovery skills building, exploring self esteem, healthy relationships/communication, and money management.
If these B.C funded clinical programs do not see like a good fit for you, there are other free options in the community. Click to check these out:
- Gamblers Anonymous is an independent free 12 step support program for anyone who wants to recover from compulsive gambling. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop gambling.
- SMART recovery is a science based mutual help group. Participants learn tools for recovery from all types of addiction, substance and behavioural. SMART Recovery sponsors face-to-face meetings around the world, and daily online meetings.
- Gam-Talk is an online support for gamblers. It offers a free gambling recovery chat and support community.
"I am so grateful to have accessed the counsellors, groups, and programs of the BC Responsible and Problem Gambling Program. The combination of my willingness and compassion of the counsellors have provided so much healing and support. I have gained the awareness and skills required to live a more balanced, fulfilling, and guilt free life with the evolving freedom of addiction."